The Tapestry of a Woman

In the book of Genesis, God begins to weave the tapestry of a woman.  The design is intricate. The colors are vibrant.  The workmanship is exquisite.  Eve is uniquely fashioned as a woman, distinct from her husband, Adam.

Genesis describes God’s remarkable creation of Eve.  Yet it also records her subsequent failure to fulfill His Continue reading

The Influence of Eve

Through the ages Eve continues to influence women.  Her reputation haunts us.  Her deception condemns us.  Eve’s role as helper continues to be demeaned. Her deception has become a female attribute.  Her seemingly flawed character results in a distorted image of women.
What is our response?  Are we doomed to failure?  What is God’s plan for us as Christian women?  Well, unlike Eve, we better not listen to those around us instead of Continue reading

The Forbidden Fruit

When God fashioned Eve, He made her beautiful and gave her a loving husband.  But for her, all that wasn’t enough.  She wanted more.  She wanted the one thing God said she couldn’t have.  So she took the forbidden fruit, then apparently without thinking of the consequences, she gave some to Adam.

Sometimes we don’t realize the impact that we have on others.  Eve not only influenced Adam, she affected Continue reading